Journal title : Mau`izhah: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman
Initials : Mau`izhah
Abbreviation : j. kaj. isl. 
Frequency : 2 issues per year (Januari & July)
DOI : 
Online ISSN 2654-5055

Managing Editor
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Service STIT Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman, Indonesia in collaboration with International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center (IISDRC)
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Mau'izhah: Journal of Islamic Studies is a scientific journal published by the Sheikh Burhanuddin "SB" Pariaman Tarbiyah College of Science (STIT). Receive articles with Islamic studies studies as a means of publishing research results and sharing developments in Islamic studies. All submitted articles will go through a 'peer-review process' after meeting the requirements according to the article writing guidelines. Mau'izhah: Journal of Islamic Studies is published twice a year, namely January-June and July-December

OAI Address
Mau'izhah has OAI address: Mau'izhah OAI

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You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Mau'izhah Template, has been carefully proofread and polished, and conformed to the author guidelines.
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